Im tired of hearing of people talking about how they got high of bana peels or other bullshit. Or people
getting themselves in trouble because they don't know they law. If you wish too find out how to get your hands on legal
substances that produce stronger effects than those of other illegal substances or want to learn how to make different
drug recipes go too the pages ahead. Im just going to give you information that everyone who uses drugs should know and be
safe from the police or your Probation or Parole Officer.
Lots of articles on this page so the table might be helpful.
Drug Myths
Coming from someone with an extensive medical background:
I noticed that most of the info here on drugs came from the "new" Anarchists Cookbook (most of you are most
likely too young to have seen a real copy) all the info it contained, espically the manufacture of drugs and bombs will just
kill you. (60's gov. mis-infomation type bullshit)
Ok lets get started..........
- peanut skins won't get you high
- banana peels won't either
- Nutmeg, will just make you sick
- Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride, will make you really sick (not high) and is a tricyclic antihistimine, also
causes irregular heartbeats, coma (if you conisder that getting high) and of course the ulitimate high DEATH!!!
- Dramamine, used for motion sickness, fucks with your balance and middle ear, will keep you from puking, therefore
if you OD on it your bodys normal defense to poison (vomiting) will not work, therefore you die.(also treats ringing of the
- Ultram, is not a narcotic and will not produce any euporia, thats why its not a controlled substance. It's
just super advil.
- Tlyenol, liver failure and dialysis.
- DXM, will fuck you really bad, appaerntly a intense high does major long term organ system damage..
- Nitrous Oxide, (dental gas) Will produce a quick high that can make you pass out, but you'll most likely
keep breathing and wake a few seconds later(when your blood O2 levels return to normal)with a smashing fucking headache.
- Ritalin, In my opinion ADHD is bullshit (and you kids just need some freakin dicipline) This shit numbs your
mind and WILL cause cardiac problems.
- Dilantin, seizure medication, never heard of a reported high with it, but an OD on this stuff is rarely reversable.
Hello vegative state!!!
- Camellia Sinesis, green tea, will not produce a high but will make you piss and shit your brains out if you
drink enough.
- Benzos, very relaxing, kinda hard to OD on (well you might forget to breathe.
- LSD, vivid hallucinations of all senses (if it's good stuff) can make you freak the hell out.
- Scotchguard, makes clothing water repellant, will make your lungs oxygen repellent too.
- MDMA or "X" used as a psychological therapy in the 60's and early 70's, Real Stuff "not speedballs" in low
doses produced euphoria, very small "therapeutic Index" easy to OD on. Dangerous stuff to OD on, the person who is over dosed
will experience cardiac abnormalities, very high spike in body temp (105 f+),liver failure, kidney failure, it just gets worse
from there. (if someone is OD on X keep 'em cool (not frozen) till the medics get there)there is no drug to reverse this.
- DMT, fast intense high, haven't heard of it being around in a long while.
- Shrooms , indians have been doing them for centuries w/o ill effects (unless you eat the wrong ones)
- Peyote, SEE ABOVE........
- Pot, Hash, Grass, Doob, Dank, ect. George Washington did it, you can too.
- Heroin, bad scene, almost impossible to kick the habit. OD treated w/ narcan.
- Methadone, Used to treat heroin... See Above.
- GHB "Georgia Home Boy" ect. Ammino Acid produced by the body, overdose produces relaxation too much ..see
MDMA OD above.
- Frog Lickers, Unless you live in S. America this is bullshit, and if you do don't lick the poison dart frog.
- rohypnol "roofies" causes relaxation, makes you forget, espically when mixed with alcohol,can kill, come
on guys are you soo fucking lame you need this to get laid? How would you feel if someone drugged and raped your sister or
- Freon, well since you can't really get real freon anymore we won't worry about it.
- Speed, for mexican brick layers and white trash rednecks, see MDMA effects and OD.
- OxyContin, this is made tbe released in your body over 12hrs...grind it up = instant OD. Same as heroin OD.
Makes you stop breathing.
- Morning glory seeds, similar high to shrooms, not illegal, but grow the flowers and harvest the seeds, the
seeds in the packs are treated with something that will make you really sick. Patience my son...
- Cocaine, whll shrink you wallet and your dick. who wants to do drugs that keep them awake anyway?
- Amyl Nitrate, used to treat cyanide poisoning and angina, quick rush, bad headache.
- Ephedrine "amps" ect. makes your head itch and your heart race.
- promethazone (phenegrin), will just keep you from vomiting and make you a little tired.
- Ambien, your be awake for a while but not high, and you'll sleep like a log, take enough and sleep forever.
- Booze, legal, fun, just as dangerous as many other drugs.
Ok thats enough, you get the idea. Nothing here is bullshit. (look all of this up, its true) Do your research
first, weigh the benifits with the conquences. Many people experiment with drugs i'm not telling you to or not to (well if
i told you I never did anything to I'd be a liar) but anyway with all the bullshit misinfomation out there someone should
let the truth be known.
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What to do if you get arrested
This is a rough guide to your basic rights on arrest. Remember that you
have the right to be treated fairly and with respect by the police. When you are arrested you do not have to say anything
to the police. BUT if you are later charged with a crime and you have not mentioned, when questioned, something that you later
rely on in court, then this may be taken into account when deciding if you are guilty. See our suggested response in the
caution section There may be good reasons why you do not wish to say anything to the police, and you should not be intimidated
into answering questions. Get a lawyer down to see you in the police station as soon as possible.
remember: There
may be times when if you give an innocent explanation for what you have done, the police may leave you alone. It is wise
not to discuss the case with the police until you have consulted privately with a lawyer. If the police are about to arrest
you or have already arrested you, there is no such thing as a 'friendly chat' to sort things out. Anything you say can later
be used against you. Think before you talk.
ON THE STREET If you are stopped by the police: (if they
are not in uniform then ask to see their warrant card.) Ask why you have been stopped and at the end ask for a record
of the search. You can be stopped and searched if the police have a reasonable suspicion that you are in possession of:
controlled drugs offensive weapon or firearms carrying a sharp article carrying stolen goods if you are
in a coach or train, going to, or you have arrived at, a sports stadium There are other situations where you can be stopped
and searched, for example: If police fear there might be serious violence in a particular area they can stop and search anyone
in that area for up to 24 hours. In these circumstances the police do not need to have a reasonable suspicion that you are
carrying a weapon or committing a crime. This very wide power can be used at raves, demonstrations etc.
remember: you
run the risk of both physical injury and serious criminal charges if you physically resist a search. If it is an unlawful
search you should take action afterwards by using the law.
IN THE POLICE STATION You always have the right: to
be treated humanely and with respect. to see the written codes governing your rights and how you are treated. to speak
to the custody officer (the officer who must look after your welfare). to know why you have been arrested You also
have the right (but they can in rare situations be delayed): to have someone notified of your arrest (not to make a phone
call yourself). to consult with a lawyer privately.
remember: Do not panic. You cannot be locked up
indefinitely. The police sometimes keep you isolated and waiting in the cell to 'soften you up'. Above all else, try to keep
calm. The police can only keep you for a certain period of time - normally a maximum of 24 hours (36 hours for a serious arrestable
offence). Make sure the correct time for your arrest is on the custody record. Make sure you know why you have been
arrested. Insist on seeing a lawyer (you might have to wait, but it's always free). Ask them to be present when you are
interviewed. Do not be put off seeing a lawyer by the police. It is your right and it's free. If you ask for anything and
it is refused make sure this is written down on the custody record. We strongly recommend that you: make "no comment"
to all questions don't write a statement don't sign a statement written by the police don't sign any police book
...until you have seen a lawyer
AT A DEMO/FOOTBALL MATCH Police can often get the wrong person in the
heat of the moment where there are big crowds present, so it is important that you get witnesses to your arrest. If you
are arrested in a crowd, keep calm, and shout out your name so people can know who it is being arrested. If you witness
an arrest, try to write down the name of the arrested person and where they were arrested. Write down the number of the arresting
officer(s). If you are thrown out of a football ground unfairly without arrest, insist on talking to a senior officer
to state your case, or go to the local station to lodge a formal complaint. If you didn't get the arresting officers number,
ask to be escorted back into the ground to identify him. It's not uncommon for the police to quietly let you back in if they
know you are serious about making a complaint. A common trick police employ is to badger you into accepting a caution
so that you can catch your last bus home. Do not accept this under any circumstances if you have done nothing wrong.
OF YOUR HOME The police can search premises with the consent of the occupier. A warrant can be obtained from magistrates
by the police to search premises for evidence of certain crimes. The police can enter premises WITHOUT a search warrant
in many situations, including: following an arrest, the police are allowed to search premises the detained person occupies
or has control over. to capture an escaped prisoner to arrest someone for an arrestable offence or certain public
order offences. to protect life or to stop serious damage to property. other laws give police specific powers to enter
premises. remember: You are entitled to see a copy of any search warrant. Police can use reasonable force to gain
entry Police should give you information about their powers to search premises. A record of the search must be kept
by the police. You or a friend should be allowed to be present during the search but this right can be refused if it is
thought it might hinder investigations. When police seize items from you or your house be sure to insist on a written list
of all seized items then and there.
NEW POLICE CAUTION "You do not have to say anything. But it may harm
your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be
given in evidence." suggested reply: "I have been advised that I should answer no questions.
It is not right that I should have to give a complete case for my self until charges have been made and properly explained
and until there are other people around to check that questions put to me are fair and legal. I will say nothing until I am
advised to do so by a fully qualified legal advisor".
IMPORTANT: This information was forwarded by a police officer,
who naturally wants to remain anonymous: "In reality, any response made following arrest or charge is worth very little
PROVIDED IT IS NOT SIGNED BY THE PERSON MAKING IT. The CPS do not make any sort of a deal about responses unless they are
on tape. I would simply advise people to make no reply to any caution until it is in the interview room with a lawyer present.
This would apply doubly is special warnings are used in interview.
People are very frightened to ask for the tape
to be stopped before consulting the lawyer. At the end of the day, he is your only friend in the station, so use him to the
full, and tell him everything. If he is any good, he will advise you when to co-operate and when to keep schtum. I find a
good response is then "On the advice of my lawyer I have no comment to make at this time." If this is then questioned
in court, the lawyer can take the blame for offering dodgy advice, and no adverse views will be drawn from the no comment
response. I don't know about other forces, but in mine we keep the tape running throughout the completion of antecedents and
signing of forms to protect officers against allegations. It tends to negate a whole lot of trouble.
drunk driving: When
a person is arrested for drink driving, even though they are still entitled to a lawyer, the breath test procedure cannot
be delayed while this is being done. A person who refuses to co-operate until he sees a lawyer will find himself charged with
failing to provide a specimen of breath."
WRONGFUL ARREST If you want to challenge anything the police have
done then get the names and addresses of any witnesses, make a written record as soon as possible after the event. It should
be witnessed, dated and signed. If you are injured, or property is damaged, then take photographs or video recordings as soon
as possible and have physical injuries medically examined.
If you have been treated unfairly then complain to a civil
liberties group or contact a lawyer about possible legal action.
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How long drugs stay in your system
[depending on your body size and tolerance].
1.2 Detection times of several drugs.
Approximate Detection Time in Urine using EMIT
2-4 days Barbituates Short-Acting (ie. secobarbital) 1 day Long-Acting (ie. phenobarbital) 2-3 weeks Benzodiazepines
3-7 days Cannabinoids 3-30 days Clenbuterol [PE] 2-4 days [F1] Cocaine 2-4 days Codeine 2-5 days Euphorics
(MDMA,psilocybin) 1-3 days [F2] LSD 1-4 days [F6] Methadone 3-5 days Methaqualone 14 days Nicotine ? [F5] Opiates
2-4 days Peptide hormones [PE] undetectable Phencyclidine (PCP) 2-4 days [F4] Phenobarbital 10-20 days Propoxyphene
6 hours to 2 days Steroids (anabolic) [PE] oral: 14 days [F3
Painkiller Guide
This is a more complete description of Prescription Painkillers - what their names are, dosages, etc.
1. Oxycodone, Oxycontin, Tylox (Oxycodone with Acetaminophen) - This is probably the drug of choice for painkiller
enthusiasts. a 10mg dose is long acting, strong, and produces a euphoric high. Oxycodone is one of a synthetic varieties of
codeine. Very Heavily Regulated and Very Hard to get.
2. Hydrocodone - Known as Lortab & Vicodin - often given the suffix /APAP which means that it is Hydrocodone
with Acetaminophen. Vicoprofen is another variety that is compounded with Ibuprofen. By compounding Hydrocodone with Acetaminophen
or Ibuprofen, you are increasing the effectiveness of the drug. Hydrocodone highs are not as long lasting as those of Oxycodone,
but you are much more likely to be prescribed Hydrocodone. Hydrocodone is used for dental pain and mild surgical pain. It is also additionally used in several prescription
cough suppressants - Codiclear (generic: Vi-Q Tuss) & A-Tuss MS are both cough medicines that have hydrocodone. A heavy dose of cough medication with Hydrocodone is about a tablespoon. Tolerance to this drug generally builds
very rapidly. It typically comes in 5mg/7.5mg/10mg combos with varying amounts of acetaminophen. Most desirable are Norco's
or Norcocets which are usually 10/250 or 10/325 - you get more hydrocodone before you reach a toxic level of acetaminophen
in your system. BEWARE - Acetaminophen can very adversely affect liver/kidney function. Do not overdose on acetaminophen in
an effort to get really high on hydrocodone. An excessively high dose of Hydrocodone is probably about 70mg's - at that point, I was basically on the nod,
in and out of consciousness. Very, very dangerous. Stick with the lower doses. You will be happier and healthier.
3. Darvon/Darvocet - Active ingredient is Propoxyphene or Dextro-Propoxyphene. Typically prescribed in a 100/650APAP combo (100 mg of Propoxyphene with 650mg of Acetaminophen). This stuff
does absolutely nothing to me. Mild Euphoric high with 400mg of Propoxyphene.
4. Meperidine / Demerol - This stuff is pretty strong. Occasionally prescribed for sever dental pain and used
for IV pain relief after surgery. Hard hitting and very sedating. Use with caution. Possible also known as Percocet/Percodan
(not sure - but know that these also contain caffeine).
5. Dilaudid - Dilaudid is Hydromorphone, which is synthetic Morphine. Very strong and I have only received this in an immediate post-operative situation. I do no not know where to
get it, and I do not know any doctor that would willing prescribe it. I know that it is very popular among IV drug users who
cook the Dilaudid and then shootup with it.
There are a variety of drugs available from overseas that are basically combinations of codeine and acetaminophen
or a synthetic form of codeine and an analgesic. Be wary in Mexico of buying Percocets - that is the brand name of a mexican
version of Acetaminophen or Aspirin and Caffeine (our version of Excedrin). Contugesics are available in Europe, which are
Dihydrocodeine - a different synthetic variant on the codeine principle.
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